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Gwin, William. Relfections on The Media. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television, undated.
Gwin, Bill. Jon Burris Interviews Bill Gwin., 1978.
Gwin, William. "Reflections on Two Media." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
Hagen, Charles. "Video Art: The Fabulous Chameleon." Art News 88, no. 6 (1989).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "Breaking The Box: The Electronic Operas of Robert Ashley and Woody Vasulka." Artforum 23, no. 7 (1985).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "A Syntax of Binary Images: An Interview With Woody Vasulka." Afterimage 6, no. 40545 (1978).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "Walter Wright and his Amazing Video Machine." Afterimage 2, no. 10 (1975).
Hahn, Alexander. One Hour of Deception. Rome: Istituto Svizzero di Roma, 1991.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Of Shadow and Light. Den Haag, Nederland: World Wide Video Center, 1994.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media Catalog Video Works. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Rats.Ratten. Berlin: DAAD/Stop Over Press, 1994.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Warszawa: Galeria Foksal, 1996.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Bologna: LINK Project, 1997.
Hall, Doug. "Video Art: A Short History (On the Head of a Pin)." Video Networks 11, no. 1 (1986).
Hall, David. Early Video Art: A look at a Controversial History from Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art , edited by Julia Knight. Arts Council of England and John Libbey, 1996.
Hall, Sue, and John and Hopkins. "The Metasoftware of Video." Studio International 40669 (1976).
Hall, Doug. "Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Image." Video 80 4 (1982).
Hall, Doug. The Spectacle of Image. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1987.
Hall, Doug, and Sally Jo Fifer. Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art, Edited by Doug Hall. New York, NY: Aperature in association with the Bay Area Video Coalition, 1990.
Halleck, DeeDee. Mind Power. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. New York, New York: Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program, 1979.
Halleck, DeeDee. "Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History." Afterimage (1998).
Halleck, DeeDee. "Guerrillas in our midst - books on guerrilla video." Afterimage (1998).
Halleck, DeeDee. Hand-Held Visions: The ImpossiblePossibilities of Community Media. Fordham Univ Press, 2002.
Haller, Robert A.. Video Art Review: An Interview with Steina, October 28, 1980.. New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives and Electronic Arts Intermix, 1981.
Haller, Robert, and Virgil Grillo. An Alliance for the Media Arts in America: A Report on the formation of the National Alliance of Media Arts Centers and its Founding Conference in Boulder, Colorado, May 29-31, 1980. Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Film Center, 1980.
Haller, Robert A.. "various." Field of Vision,, no. 40796 (1980): 1-37.
Haller, Robert. Report on the 1979 National Conference of Media Arts Centers. NY, NY: Foundation of Independent Video and Film, 1979.
Haller, Robert A.. "Perspectives on Preserving Independently Produced Videotapes." Video Texts: 1983 (1983).
Haller, Robert. "Perspectives on Preserving Independently Produced Videotapes." Video Texts: 1983 (1983).
