Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
"Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
The Videola Under Construction in the Studio., undated.
How to Build a Videola. Honolulu, HI: Don Hallock, 2008.
Videola Proposal. National Center for Experiments in Television, 1974.
Black and white images from the Videola and its creator Don Hallock. Photography by Penny d'Hammer.., 1973.
Don Hallock's Videola." Bay Guardian Calendar September 20 through October 4, 1973 (1973).
" A Video Processing Facility for Artistic Use: Design Philosophy and a Description of Components. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, 1972.