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BASIC-80 Reference Manual for Z-80 Computers. Microsoft, 1979.
Mignot, Dorine. "Bill Viola's Room for St. John of the Cross: A Video Installarion Viewed within the Tradition of Visual Art." Video (1986).
Mignot, Dorine. The Luminous Image. In Dutch and English., Edited by Dorine Mignot. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1984.
Mikas, Matt. Tune (In))): Radio Community in Microcosm., 2004.
Miller, Aaron. "FATAL ERROR TYPE 1 HAS OCCURRED:." 15, no. 1 (2004).
Miller, Nancy. Wildernrss: A Video Installation by Mary Lucier. Cambridge: New England Foundation for the Arts, 1986.
Miller, Jonathon. "The Mind's Eye and the Human Eye." Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ヨ The Moving Image 114, no. 4 (1985): 185-200.
Miller, Branda. Surveillance. Los Angeles: (LACE), 1987.. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1987.
Miller, Aaron, and Monica Duncan. Land-Tracking-Land. Rochester, NY: Rochester Contemporary, 2006.
Miller, Gregory. "The Best of the West?" Videography 10, no. 5 (1985).
Miller, Alica. Keeping Track of Video Art. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 2001.
The Mindset Computer Animation System; Mindset Lumena graphics software.. Sunnyvale, CA: Mindset Corporation, 1984.
Minkowsky, John. "Bill Viola's Video Vision." Video 81 2, no. 1 (1981).
Minkowsky, John. Video/TV: Humor/Comedy. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo,, 1983.
Minkowsky, John. "Bill Viola's Video Vision." Video 80 2, no. 1 (1981).
Minkowsky, John. "Mindframes: Media Study at Buffalo, 1973-1990." Film Quarterly 61, no. 2 (2007).
Minsky, Marvin. The Society of Mind. "270 brilliantly original essays on... how the mind works.". New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1985.
Minton, James. "Video." Artweek 26936 (undated).
Mogul, Susan. "Electronic Imagemaking: How to Use 1/2" Portable VTRs." Petersen's Photographic Magazine 5, no. 5 (1976): 60-63.
Mohlhenrich, Janice. Preservation of Electronic Formats & ElectronicFormats for Preservation, Edited by Janice Mohlhenrich. WI: Highsmith Press, 1993.
Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl, and Walter Gropius. Moholy-Nagy: Experiment in Totality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950.
Moholy-Nagy, L.. Vision in Motion, Edited by Paul Theobald. Chicago, IL: ID Book: Institute of Design, 1947.
Heist, Eric, and Laura Parnes. Momenta Art: Exhibitions 1995 Through 1999.. Brooklyn, NY: Momenta Art, 1999.
Monaco, James. How to Read a Film: The Art, Technology, Language, History, and Theory of Film and Media. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Monkhouse, Richard. The Moving Art of Video Graphics- or How to Drive a Spectre. Video and Audio-Visual Review, undated.
MonteVideo Art Foundation. Amsterdam, Holland, 1986.
Montgomery Ward Model 10301 CED Video Disc Player. Chicago, Illinois: Montgomery Ward, 1981.
Moog, Robert. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Robert Moog: Moog Modular Audio Synthesizer, 1964., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Moog, R. A.. Moog schematics for Series 900 Modular System: System Layout Synthesizer IIIC, System B 22 Unit Upper Console, Power Supply - Bode Frequency Shifter, Bode Ring Modulator, Frequency Shifter Block Diagram, Frequency Shifter, Bode Dome Filter, 960 schematic,. Trumansburg, NY: R.A. Moog, Inc., 1969.
Moog, R. A.. Setting Up Your Moog Synthesizer, A Guide to Installation and Operation of Synthesizers 1, II, and III. Model 950, 960 series.. Trumansburg, NY: R.A. Moog, Inc., 1970.
