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KSN TC 100B Time Base Corrector Service Manual. KSN, undated.
Kruger, Barbara. TV Guides Twenty-one Essays on Television, Edited by Barbara Kruger. NY: Kuklapolitan Press, 1985.
Kriesche, Richard. Art, Artists, and the Media, Edited by Richard Kriesche. Graz, 1979.
Krieger, R. E.. "with Aldo Tambellini." SUNY Happening No. 5 227, no. 31 (1968).
Krauss, Rosalind. Passages in Modern Sculpture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.
Kracauer, Siegfried. Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality. London, England: Oxford University Press, 1960.
"Out of Focus - Don Hallock." Focus - The Magazine of KQED Television and Radio (1973).
Koszarski, Richard. Masterpieces of Moving Image Technology. NY, NY: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1989.
Kostelanetz, Richard. Moholy Nagy: Documentary Monographs in Modern Art, Edited by Paul Cummings. New York, Washington, NY, DC: Praeger Publishers, 1970.
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: The TV Environment 2, no. 2 (1973).
Korot, Beryl, and Megan Williams. "various articles." Radical Software: Realistic Hope Foundation 1, no. 5 (undated).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Changing Channels 2, no. 1 (1972).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Solid State 2, no. 4 (1973).
Korot, Beryl, and Megan Williams. "various articles." Radical Software 1, no. 4 (1971).
Korot, Beryl, and Phillis Gershuny. "various articles." Radical Software: Electromagnetic Spectrum 1, no. 2 (undated).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Video and Kids 2, no. 6 (1974).
Korot, Beryl, and Michael Shamberg. "various articles." Radical Software 1, no. 3 (1971).
Korot, Beryl, and Megan Williams. "various articles." Radical Software: Guerilla TV 1, no. 6 (undated).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Video and Environment 2, no. 5 (1973).
Korot, Beryl, and Phillis Gershuny. "various articles." Radical Software: Alternative TV Movement 1, no. 1 (1970).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Videocity 2, no. 3 (undated).
Korg PS-3200 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer; PS-3300; PS-3100; BX-3 Electronic Organ; CX-3 Portable Organ; LP-10 Electronic Piano; Trident; Delta; Lambda; Sigma; VC-10 Vocoder; MS-10; MS-20; MS-50; SQ-10; X-911; others. Tokyo, Japan: Keio Electronic Lab Corp. Korg Electronic Ltd., undated.
Korg Monophonic Synthesizer MS-20 Setting Examples; Owner's Manual. Tokyo, Japan: Keio Electronic Lab Corp. Korg Electronic Ltd., undated.
Kolyer, Diane. "Video Art Goes State of the Art." Videography 9, no. 10 (1984).
Kolpan, Steven. Radical Departures: The 1982 CAPS Video/Multimedia Festival. NY: CAPS Community Service Program, 1982.
Kolpan, Steven. "Bateson Through the Looking Glass." Video and the Arts 11 (1986).
Knowles, Marguerite W.. "Mediascope Buffalo: The Moving Image In and Around Buffalo 1970-1985." The Squealer 11, no. 2 (1996).
Knight Electronics KG-685 Color Pattern/Generator Kit Instructions; Demodulator Probe; Low Capacity Probe;. Maywood, Illinois: Knight Electronics, 1966.
KLH 120 Watt Powered Subwoofer Owner's Manual. Sun Valley, CA: KLH Audio Systems, undated.
Klein, Howard. The Rise of the Televisualists in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
