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Howe, Hubert. The Buchla Box. Fullerton, CA: CBS Musical Instruments , Educational Research Department, 1969.
Chimaera Monographie Irit Batsry: Traces of a Passage. France: Edition du Centre International de Creation Video Montbeliard Belfort, 1993.
Invitation for an Opening, 1983: Stories from the Old Ruin, 1991. Centre International de Creation Video Montbeliard Belfort, 1994.
1 Video Rio., undated.
2 Video Rio., undated.
Lyons, Nathan. Nathan Lyons on the Snapshot. Buffalo, NY: CEPA (Center for Exploratory and Perceptual Art), 1993.
CEPA Gallery Winter 1992-1993. Buffalo, NY: CEPA Gallery, 1993.
de Certeau, Michael. The Practice of Everyday Life. Translated by Steven F. Randall. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
Cesan, Donna. The Electronic Gallery - Art, Ideas and Video. Owego, NY: SUNY Binghamton & The Experimental Television Center, 1980.
Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung. Apparatus, Edited by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. NY: Tanam Press, 1980.
Chadabe, Joel, and Roger Myers. An Introduction to The Play Program., 1978.
Chadabe, Joel. Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music. Prentice Hall, 1997.
Chanan, Michael. The Dream that Kicks. London: Routledge, 1980.
Chandler, Annmarie. At a Distance: At a Distance Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet, Edited by Norie Neumark. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2005.
Chase, Doris. "Request to use Experimental TV Center. May 30, 1973." (1973).
Chase, Karen. Media Arts/New York: A Directory of Media Alliance Members, Edited by Karen Chase. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1990.
The Personal Computer/Hobbyist keyboard from Cherry; Schematics for Cherry B70-05AB Keyboard. Waukegan, Illinois: Cherry Electrical Products Corp., undated.
Join the Midi Revolution Spring 1985 Cherry Lane Technologies Catalog. Port Chester, NY: Cherry Lane Technologies, 1985.
the equivalent): of from Chicago,(or Group Video Artists 2N. 4123 A.. Interstate Interface., undated.
Child, Margaret. Directory of Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Sound Recordings, Still and Moving Images and Magnetic Tape. Washington, DC: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1993.
Chomsky, Noam. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1972.
Chris, Cynthia. "Video Art: Stayin' Alive." Afterimage (2000).
Churchill, Ted. "Organism: From Time Compression to Time Capsule, An Interview with Hilary Harris." The Independent Gazette: Journal of Independent FIlm and Video Artists 1, no. 1 (1976): 1.
Quatorzieme Festival International Du Nouveau Cinema et de la Video Montreal, Edited by Natasha Bobouwski. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: CIDEM Cinema, 1985.
Clancy, Patrick. Video As Attitude. Santa Fe: University Art Museum, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and Museum of Fine Arts, 1983.
The Imagician Diamond System Multi-Screen Programmer. Newton , MA: Clearlight Productions Inc., 1976.
Footprints: Media Art by Philip Mallory Jones. Hamilton, NY: Colgate University, 2003.
Cohen, Janet. "Answers And Questions About Digital Collaboration." Afterimage (1999).
Cohu Schematics for Camera, Remote Control Mix Board, Clamp Output Amplifier with Sync Insertion, Cable Assembly CA-8, Burst Processor, Sync Delay Board, Video Paths (Typical System 21 x 7), Cable Assembly Background Generator and/or Blackburst, CA 61, Am. San Diego, CA: Cohu Electronics, 1968.
Cole, Barry. Television Today: A Close-up View, Readings from TV Guide, Edited by Barry Cole. Oxford University Press, 1981.
