Owego TV Pioneer Getting Arts Award." Press & Sun Bulletin (1989).
" Electronic Video Image Processing: Notes Toward a Definition." Exposure 21, no. 3 (1983).
"Electronic Visions. Yonkers, NY: The Hudson River Museum, 1984.
The Videotapes of Tony Oursler., 1985.
Program Notes for The Moving Image State-Wide: 13 Tapes by 8 Videomakers. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1978.
Double Vision by Peter Campus., 1978.
The Videotape Collection at Media Study Buffalo." Afterimage 5, no. 7 (1978).
" Gerald O'Grady: The Perspective from Buffalo." Videoscope 1, no. 2 (1977).
" A Birthday Celebration for Doris Chase Painter, Sculptor, Film/Video Pioneer. Program Notes for Exhibition.. NY, NY: Donnell Media Center, 2003.
The Film., undated.
New York State Council on the Arts Video Conference at the Whitney Museum. NY, NY: New York State Council on the Arts, 1975.
Introduction to The Frontier 1979-1980. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1980.
At Arm's Length: (Taking a Good Hard Look at) Artists' Video. NY, NY: New York State Council on the Arts, 1990.
At Arm's Length: (Taking a Good Hard Look at) Artists' Video, Edited by Barbara Osborn. NY, NY: New York State Council on the Arts, 1990.
Changing channels: media arts in the '90s." Afterimage (1994).
"How to Keep Experimental Video on PBS National Programming. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Open Circuits: The Future of Television." Artforum, no. 12 (1974).
"The Parapoetics of Video., 1982.
The Dialogical Mode., 1982.
Peer Bode Dialogos., 1978.
Dialogos: On Gary Hill's Happenstance., undated.
Letter to Ralph Hocking; Highlights from Cannes - Ray - You Can't Go Home Again. April 1, 1972., 1972.
Cybernetic Serendipity: The Computer and the Arts, Edited by Jasia Reichardt. New York: Praeger, 1969.