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Simmons, Richard. New Work in Abstract Video Imagery Abstract Video. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1977.
Simmons, Richard. Everson Video Revue Introduction. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1979.
Sjolander, Ture. Selected Articles Concerning the Works of Ture Sjolander., 2000.
Sjolander, Ture. Ture Sjolander - complete CV. self, 2017.
Sondheim, Alan. Noise Culture: Thing I. manuscript, 1988.
Sondheim, Alan. "I Model; You Take My Picture." CEPA Journal (1988).
Sondheim, Alan. "Video." Perforations 2 (1991).
Sondheim, Alan. "Theses on the Inversion of the Cinema." Millennium Film Journal (1983).
Sondheim, Alan. "Throat." Art Papers (1994).
Sondheim, Alan. "Presence of Future Presence of Video: Thing II." Art Vu (1994).
Sonsbeek 71 Introduction and Statements by Artists. Vol. June 19 - August 15., 1971.
Sorensen, Vibeke. The Artist in the 2 and 3 -D Marketplace. Boston, MA: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, 1989.
Sorensen, Vibeke. Thoughts of a Computer Artist., 1995.
Sorensen, Vibeke. Art, Science., 1995.
Stein, Anne-Marie. "The Passing of an Era: Boston Film/Video Foundation." MAIN, no. Spring (2004).
Stephens, Richard, and Don Hallock. "Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
Stern, Rudi. Stern Media Information., 1975.
Stern, Gerd. Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974 - Media, Information and Then? In Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974. Vol. November. University Center at Albany, 1974.
Sturken, Marita. "Media Independents Push for Access." Afterimage (1980).
Sturken, Marita. The Politics of Video Memory: Electronic Erasures and Inscriptions from Resolutions: Contemporary Video Practices. University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Sturken, Marita. Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents The Moving Image in Space: Public Funding and the Installation Form. New York, NY: The New York State Council on the Arts, 1994.
Sturken, Marita. "Private Money and Personal Influence: Howard Klein and the Rockefeller Foundation's Funding of the Media Arts." Afterimage 14, no. 6 (1987).
Sturken, Marita. "Out of Sync: Electronic Visions at the Hudson River Museum." Afterimage (1983).
Sturken, Marita. "Feminist Video: Reiterating the Difference." Afterimage 12, no. 9 (1985).
Sturken, Marita. "Denman's Col (Geometry): Mary Lucier." Afterimage 9, no. 7 (1982).
Sundell, Nina. CAPS/ICI 1981 Travelling Video Festival. NY, NY: ICI, 1981.
Supanick, Jim. "Quest for What: Video by the HalfLifers." Film Comment (1999).
