New Work in Abstract Video Imagery Abstract Video. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1977.
From the Academy to the Avant Garde - The Family Jewels. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1981.
Everson Video Revue Introduction. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1979.
Psycho-Flux Reunion.., 1998.
From the Academy to the Avant Garde. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1981.
Everson Video Revue. Catalog with Images. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1979.
The Art Style Computer Processing System. Toronto, Ontario, 1974.
Memory and Hope (1996-2006)." The Squealer 11, no. 2 (1996).
"The Premature Birth of Video Art. Syracuse, NY: self-published, 2007.
Granular Synthesis., undated. Shedding the Utopian Moment?" Link 7 (2001).
"ETC Memories. NY, NY: Art in General, NY and Mobius, Boston, 1997.
Jones Modular Video Synth., 2011.
Black Dog Dreams., 1999.
Art Statement., undated.
Conversation with Barbara London, David Ross and Constance Dejong at Hunter College Art Gallery In, 2015.
The Language of Video., undated.
The Case for Hispanic Recognition (The Case Against a Single Center for Independent Television). Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Pioneers of Digital Photography. Allentown, PA: Open Space Gallery, 1998.
Work from the Experimental Television Center: Introduction and Daily Performance Schedule. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1972.
David Ross: The Success of the Failure of Video.. ETC, 1998.
Videotape: Video Design and Modification - George Brown.", no. June 1977 (1977).
"Everson Video 1975, Edited by Judson Rosebush. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1976.
Preserving the Rhizome ArtBase. NY, NY: Rhizome, 2002.