
Filters: First Letter Of Title is A  [Clear All Filters]
Wortz, Melinda T.. "An Evening with Chris Burden." Artweek 4, no. 44/45 (1973).
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April 10 - 26, 1975. Poster and program for Women's Interart Center "Women's Video Festival". Coordinators - Susan Milano and Ann Eugenia Volkes.., undated.
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Winner, Langdon. Autonomous Technology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
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Whitney, John H.. "A Computer Art for the Video Picture Wall." Art International, no. 15 (undated).
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Vogele, Christoph. Alexander Hahn: Works 1976-2006. Kunstmuseum Solothurn and the Museum der Moderne Salzburg, 2006.
Astral Projections: A Polyfusion of Media. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1974.
"Art and the Technological Imperative: Special Section." Art & Cinema 3, no. 1 and 2 (1978).
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Vasulka, Woody. Aldo Tambellini: Black Spiral., 1992.
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A SUNY Festival of Film and Video. Albany, NY: University-wide Programs in the Arts, 1979.
A SUNY Festival of Film and Video. Albany, NY: University-wide Programs in the Arts, 1982.
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