
Filters: First Letter Of Title is F  [Clear All Filters]
Film Preservation 1993: A Study of the Current State of American Film Preservation Volume 1: Report. Washington, DC: National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress, 1993.
Lewis, Louise. "Future Video: Max Almy." LAICA Journal 38 (1983).
Horsfield, Kate. Feedback: The Video Data Bank Catalog of Video Art and Artist Interviews, Edited by Kate Horsfield and Lucas Hilderbrand. PA: Temple University Press, 2006.
Harris, Craig. "FAST." The Leonardo Almanac: International Resource in Art, Science and Technology (1993).
Haller, Robert. First Light, Edited by Robert Haller. NY, Ny: Anthology Film Archives, 1998.
Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Goetz, Sammlung, Ingvild Goetz, and Stephan Urbaschek. Fast Forward: Media Art. Ingvild Goetz, 2004.
Geller, Matthew, and Reese Williams. From Receiver to Remote Control: The TV Set, Edited by Matthew Geller. New York, NY: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1990.
Fostex. Fostex DCM100 MIXTAB Midi Mixer/Mixer Tablet Owner's Manual (2 copies). Tokyo, Japan: Fostex, 1991.
FOR.A Operation and Service Manual for Dual Channel Digital Time Base Corrector FA-700. Tokyo, Japan: FOR.A Company Ltd., undated.
FOR.A Operation and Service Manual for Digital Time Base Corrector FA-210. Tokyo, Japan: FOR.A Company Ltd., undated.
Film and Electronic Media Program. Working Draft- Not for Reproduction.. Film and Electronic Media Program, undated.
Fernseh GMBH Portable TV-Transmission Equipment KS9D. Darmstadt , Germany: Fernseh GMBH, 1965.
Fernseh GMBH TV-Radio Camera Channel (Receiving Part) KE9C. Darmstadt , Germany: Fernseh GMBH, 1962.
Fernseh GMBH Vidicon Portable TV Broadcast System (2 copies). Darmstadt , Germany: Fernseh GMBH, 1965.
Fell, John L.. Film: An Introduction. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers, 1975.
Carlos, Michael, and Tom Stewart. Fairlight CMI Page R- Real Time Composer Operator Manual. Los Angeles, CA: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1983.
Stewart, Tom, and Peter Farleigh. Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument General Interface Card Manual for the General Interface (MIDI/SMPTE) Card and Support Unit Revision 1.5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1986.
Fairlight CMI Owner's Manual. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., undated.
Fairlight Computer Video Instrument Sales Literature. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, undated.
Fairlight Computer Video Instrument Operator Manual Revision 5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, undated.
Fairchild Semiconductor F8 Microprocessor. Mountain View, CA: Fairchild Semiconductor, 1975.
Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form and The Film Sense: Essays in Film Theory, Edited by Jay Leyda. New York, NY: Meridian Books, 1957.
"Festival Issue." Sightlines 16, no. 4 (1983).
