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"Meeting the Challenges of Video Preservation: A Progress Report on Initiatives within the Media Arts Field by Media Alliance. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1996.
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Marlene and Paul Kos: Video Collaborations." Artweek 9, no. 21 (undated).
"Motion: An Exhibition of Essentialist Film and Video. The 58th Exhibition of Central New York Artists, Edited by John Knecht. Utica, NY: Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, 1999.
Mediascope Buffalo: The Moving Image In and Around Buffalo 1970-1985." The Squealer 11, no. 2 (1996).
"Moholy Nagy: Documentary Monographs in Modern Art, Edited by Paul Cummings. New York, Washington, NY, DC: Praeger Publishers, 1970.
Masterpieces of Moving Image Technology. NY, NY: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1989.
Making the Transitory Permanent: The Intellectual Heritage in a Digitized World of Knowledge." Daedalus 125, no. 4 (1996).
"Media Bio-Tech Rehearsal." Video 80 1 (1980).
"Movies Before Cinema." Wide Angle 16, no. 40545 (undated).
"McIntosh Instruction Manual for Model C-8 and C-8P Professional Audio Compensators.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1956.
McIntosh MC 2105 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Instruction Manual for Model MC-30; MC-40 30 Watt Power Amplifier.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1956.
McIntosh Mac 1700 Stereo Receiver Service Manual. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Loudspeaker Sales Literature Model ML 4 C; ML 1 C; ML 2 C; L3C; ML 2 M; ML 4 M; L3M.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Quick Reference for Audio Compensator C-108; C-104. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh MC-30 Instruction Manual. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1960.
McIntosh Product Catalog includes Models: Mac 1900, Mac 1700 Receivers; Loudspeakers ML 1C, ML 2C, ML 4C, L 3 C, ML 2 M, ML 4 M, L 3 M; C 26, C 28 Preamplifiers; MI 3 Maximum Performance Indicator; Tuners MR 78, MR 77, MR 74; Tuner-Preamplifiers MX 113, M. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Stereo Preamp-Amplifier Model MA230. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1963.
McIntosh MC 2505 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature; MX 112 Stereo Tuner and Control Center.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.