
Filters: First Letter Of Title is M  [Clear All Filters]
McIntosh MC 2105 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Instruction Manual for Model MC-30; MC-40 30 Watt Power Amplifier.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1956.
Media Alliance 1985 Annual Conference. New York, NY: The Kitchen, 1985.
Media Alliance. the edge of television in the New Video Theatre Felt Forum at Video Expo Madison Square Garden October 20-22.. New York, NY: Media Alliance, 1985.
Mekas, Jonas. Movie Journal. NY: Collier Books, 1972.
Merrill, John C., and Ralph L. Lowenstein. Media, Message and Men: New Perspectives in Communications. New York and London: Longman, 1979.
Messier, Paul. Media Alliance Preservation Survey. Boston: Boston Art Con, 1997.
Messier, Paul. Media Alliance Preservation Survey. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1997.
Microbotics, Inc. StarDrive SCSI Module User's Guide, vers. 1.02.. Richardson, TX: Microbotics, Inc., undated.
Microbotics, Inc. Starboard2 MultiFunction Module User Guide: vers. 1.0.. Richardson, TX: Microbotics, Inc., 1987.
Microbotics, Inc. Starboard2 User Guide Readme Notes, revision 1.03. Richardson, TX: Microbotics, Inc., 1987.
Micrographics CAT-100 Graphics Software Operator's Manual Computer Print-out from disk with detailed description of commands (20 pages). CA, 1979.
Minkowsky, John. "Mindframes: Media Study at Buffalo, 1973-1990." Film Quarterly 61, no. 2 (2007).
Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl, and Walter Gropius. Moholy-Nagy: Experiment in Totality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950.
Heist, Eric, and Laura Parnes. Momenta Art: Exhibitions 1995 Through 1999.. Brooklyn, NY: Momenta Art, 1999.
MonteVideo Art Foundation. Amsterdam, Holland, 1986.
Montgomery Ward Model 10301 CED Video Disc Player. Chicago, Illinois: Montgomery Ward, 1981.
Moog, R. A.. Moog schematics for Series 900 Modular System: System Layout Synthesizer IIIC, System B 22 Unit Upper Console, Power Supply - Bode Frequency Shifter, Bode Ring Modulator, Frequency Shifter Block Diagram, Frequency Shifter, Bode Dome Filter, 960 schematic,. Trumansburg, NY: R.A. Moog, Inc., 1969.
Rhea, Tom. Micromoog 2090 Operation Manual. Lincolnwood; Williamsville, Illinois; N.Y.: Moog (A Product of Norlin Corporation), 1976.
MPCS Sales Literature. NY, NY: MPCS Communications Industries, Inc., undated.
Me As Mo Tr D' Ho Vo Ir Al Un Mm La Es Es E Nt by Alexander Hahn.. Bacelona (?), Spain (?): Musee Jenisch Vevey, 2002.
Managing Audiovisual Records. College Park, MD: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Records Administration, 1996.
O'Pray, Michael. "Modernism, Phantasy and Avant-Garde Film." Undercut, no. 40606 (1982).
Microline 82 Matrix Printer Operator's Manual. Tokyo, Japan: Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd., undated.
