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EMS, Jennifer Morris. The EMS Spectre Video Synthesizer Handbook.. London, England: EMS, 1974.
Emmer, Michele. The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics, Edited by Michele Emmer. Vol. 1993. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, undated.
Em, David. The Art of David Em: 100 Computer Paintings. NY: Harry N Abrams, 1988.
The Model, Rien Nier II, Buena Vista, and Abstracts. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, 1980.
Dzwonkoski, Julia. "Technology Delivers People." The Squealer 15, no. 1 (2004): 16.
Duguet, Anne Marie. "The Luminous Image Video Installation." Camera 0bscura, no. 13/14 (1985).
Duckler, Marvin. Talking Faces, Eating Time, and Electronic Catharsis. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
Duckler, Marvin. "Talking Faces, Eating Time, and Electronic Catharsis." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
Dowling, Susan. "The Story of WGBH New Television Workshop." Ars electronica (Supplement) (1986).
Dordick, H. S.. The Emerging Technologies and the Nation's Demographics: Telecommunications Programming Opportunities. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. New York, New York: Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program, 1979.
The Cat-100 Computer Assisted Television System for the S-100 Bus. Palo Alto, CA: Digital Graphics Systems, 1979.
DeWitt, Tom. Thoughts on 3-D., 1995.
DeWitt, Tom. The Video Synthesizer - Review of Existing Synthesizers, excerpted from "Design Device"., undated.
DeMartino, Nick. The Case for a Center for Independent Television. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari. The Outside In: Chapter 7, Intensities and Flows.., undated.
De Jong, Constance. The Early Show: Video from 1969-1979, Edited by Constance(Curator) De Jong. NY, NY: Hunter College, 2006.
Day, James. The Television Establishment, the Independent Producer and the Search for Diversity. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Davis, Douglas. "Television's Avant-Garde." Newsweek (1970).
Davis, Douglas, and Allison Simmons. The New Television: A Public/Private Art, Edited by Douglas Davis. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Davidson, Steven, and Gregory Lukow. The Administration of Television Newsfilm and Videotape Collections: A Curatorial Manual, Edited by Steven Davidson. Louis Wolfson II Media History Center and the American Film Institute National Center for Film and Video Preservation, undated.
Dalrymple Henderson, Linda. The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983.
Daedalus. "The Moving Image." Daedalus Fall (1985).
D'Agostino, Peter, and Antonio Muntadas. The UnNecessary Image, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. NY: MIT/Tanam Press,, 1982.
D'Agostino, Peter. TeleGuide. and Proposal for QUBE. Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Museum of Art, undated.
D'Agostino, Peter. Transmission: Theory and Practice for a New Television Aesthetics, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. NY: Tanam Press, 1985.
