
Filters: First Letter Of Title is T  [Clear All Filters]
Price, Jonathan. The Best Thing on Television: Commercials. Baltimore: Penguin, 1978.
Pruitt, John. "The Video Work of Richard Foreman." The Downtown Review 3, no. 2 (1981).
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. TRS-80 Color Computer: Operation Manual. Catalog No. 26-3001/3002.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1980.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Diagnostics: TRS-80 Color Computer. Cat. No. 26-3019.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1980.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. TRS-80 Color Computer Technical Reference Manual.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. The biggest name in little computers. TRS-80 Color Computer Micro-Computer System.. USA: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Getting Started with Color Basic: TRS-80 Color Computer.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Going Ahead with Extended Color Basic: TRS-80 Color Computer.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Type TA-19B Processing Amplifier System NTSC. Camden, NJ: RCA Commercial Electronic Systems, 1972.
Type PK-730A Single Vidicon Color Camera. Burbank, CA: RCA Commercial Electronic Systems, undated.
Reilly, John, and Stefan Moore.. "The Making of the Irish Tapes." Filmmakers Newsletter December (1975).
Reilly, John. The Independents, Media Arts Centers and Public Television. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
del Renzio, Toni. "The TV Aesthetic." Art and Artists 9, no. 8 (1974).
Restany, Pierre. "The Videomonster: The Immense and Fragile Hope of Popular Art." Domus (1975).
Rifkin, Jeremy. The Biotech Century: Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World. J P Tarcher, 1999.
Robertson, Clive, and Lisa Steele. "The Story Behind Organized Art." FUSE: The Cultural Media and News Magazine 4, no. 6 (1980).
Robinson, Richard. The Video Primer: Equipment, Production and Concepts. NY: Links Books, 1974.
Robinson, Richard. The Video Primer: Equipment, Production and Concepts. New York, NY: Links Books, 1974.
Rose, Brian. "The Future of Cultural Programming." Videography 11, no. 5 (1986).
Rosenberg, Harold. The De-definition of Art. New York. NY: Horizon Press, 1972.
Ross, David. "The Success of the Failure of Video Art." Videography 10, no. 5 (1985).
Roth, Cliff. The Low Budget Video Bible. Revised Second Edition. New York, NY: Desktop Video Systems, 1995.
Ruiz, Jose Luis. The Case for Hispanic Recognition (The Case Against a Single Center for Independent Television). Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Text from a Sales Brochure., undated.
