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Gwin, William. Video Feedback: How to Make it; An Artist's Comments on its Use; A System Approach. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED.
Gwin, William. Relfections on The Media. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television, undated.
Gwin, Bill. Jon Burris Interviews Bill Gwin., 1978.
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "A Syntax of Binary Images: An Interview With Woody Vasulka." Afterimage 6, no. 40545 (1978).
Hagen, Charles. "Video Art: The Fabulous Chameleon." Art News 88, no. 6 (1989).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "Breaking The Box: The Electronic Operas of Robert Ashley and Woody Vasulka." Artforum 23, no. 7 (1985).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "Walter Wright and his Amazing Video Machine." Afterimage 2, no. 10 (1975).
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Bologna: LINK Project, 1997.
Hahn, Alexander. One Hour of Deception. Rome: Istituto Svizzero di Roma, 1991.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Of Shadow and Light. Den Haag, Nederland: World Wide Video Center, 1994.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media Catalog Video Works. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Rats.Ratten. Berlin: DAAD/Stop Over Press, 1994.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Warszawa: Galeria Foksal, 1996.
Hall, Doug, and Sally Jo Fifer. Illuminating Video: An Essential Guide to Video Art, Edited by Doug Hall. New York, NY: Aperature in association with the Bay Area Video Coalition, 1990.
Hall, David. Early Video Art: A look at a Controversial History from Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art , edited by Julia Knight. Arts Council of England and John Libbey, 1996.
Hall, Doug. "Video Art: A Short History (On the Head of a Pin)." Video Networks 11, no. 1 (1986).
Hall, Sue, and John and Hopkins. "The Metasoftware of Video." Studio International 40669 (1976).
Hall, Doug. "Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Image." Video 80 4 (1982).
Hall, Doug. The Spectacle of Image. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1987.
Halleck, DeeDee. Hand-Held Visions: The ImpossiblePossibilities of Community Media. Fordham Univ Press, 2002.
Halleck, DeeDee. Mind Power. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. New York, New York: Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program, 1979.
Halleck, DeeDee. "Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History." Afterimage (1998).
Halleck, DeeDee. "Guerrillas in our midst - books on guerrilla video." Afterimage (1998).
Haller, Robert. First Light, Edited by Robert Haller. NY, Ny: Anthology Film Archives, 1998.
Haller, Robert. "Video Texts: 1983 - Interview with Steina." Video Texts: 1983 (1983).
Haller, Robert A.. Video Art Review: An Interview with Steina, October 28, 1980.. New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives and Electronic Arts Intermix, 1981.
Haller, Robert, and Virgil Grillo. An Alliance for the Media Arts in America: A Report on the formation of the National Alliance of Media Arts Centers and its Founding Conference in Boulder, Colorado, May 29-31, 1980. Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Film Center, 1980.
Haller, Robert A.. "various." Field of Vision,, no. 40796 (1980): 1-37.
Haller, Robert. Report on the 1979 National Conference of Media Arts Centers. NY, NY: Foundation of Independent Video and Film, 1979.
