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Price, Jonathan. The Best Thing on Television: Commercials. Baltimore: Penguin, 1978.
Prime Image Operations Manual for TBC+ Digital Video Time Base Corrector + Digital Effects.. Saratoga, CA: Prime Image, Inc., undated.
Projekt '74 Catalogue. Koln: Wallraf Richartz Museum, 1974.
Prueitt, Melvin. Art and the Computer. NY: McGraw Hill, 1984.
Pruitt, John. "The Video Work of Richard Foreman." The Downtown Review 3, no. 2 (1981).
Pudovkin, V. I.. Film Technique. London, England: George Newnes, Limited, 1929.
Raczynska, Joanna, and Will Redman. Eyes and Ears: SOund Needs Image. Tonawanda, NY: Carnegie Art Center, 2005.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. The biggest name in little computers. TRS-80 Color Computer Micro-Computer System.. USA: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Diagnostics: TRS-80 Color Computer. Cat. No. 26-3019.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1980.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. TRS-80 Color Computer: Operation Manual. Catalog No. 26-3001/3002.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1980.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Going Ahead with Extended Color Basic: TRS-80 Color Computer.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. Getting Started with Color Basic: TRS-80 Color Computer.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
Tandy Corporation. Radio Shack. TRS-80 Color Computer Technical Reference Manual.. Fort Worth, TX: Tandy Corporation., 1981.
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Shamberg, Michael. Guerrilla Television. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
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Rankin, Scott. Video and Language: Video as Language. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1987.
Ray, Nicholas. I Was Interrupted: Nicolas Ray on Making Movies., Edited by Susan Ray. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993.
Ray, Nicholas. NYS Commission on Cultural Resources inquiry on new technologies. Notes for Ray's presentation.., undated.
RCA Electronic Components Tips On The use of Image Orthicons. Lancaster, PA: RCA Electronic Components, 1968.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 1439, Folder 2-A. RCA Remote Control Receiver, Transmitter KRT6B.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1974.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Solderless Connectors and Associated Tools, Broadcast and Communications Products. Broadcast and Television Equipment Instructions.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Commercial Electronic System Division. Operator Manual: Type PK-501 TV Camera.. Burbank, CA: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Commercial Electronic Systems. RCA Professional Television. Operator Manual: Type PK-701 Single Vidicon Color Camera. MI-599090, MI-599091.. Burbank, CA: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Commercial Electronic Systems. Broadcast Television Equipment. Instructions: Regulated Power Supply, WP-15A, MI-26087-A/MI-26088-A.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Industrial Electronic Products. Broadcast and Television Equipment. Instructions: Type TA-4A Pulse Distribution Amplifier, MI-26158.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Industrial Electronic Products. Broadcast and Television Equipment. Instructions: Type TA-3B Video Distribution Amplifier, MI-26157-B.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Industrial Electronic Products. Broadcast and Television Equipment. Instructions: Type TA-3C Video Distribution Amplifier, MI-26157-C.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Commercial Electronic Products. Broadcast Television Equipment. Instructions: WP-15A Regulated Power Supply, MI-26087-A/MI-26088-A.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Engineering Products Division. Instructions: Type TA-3A Video Distribution Amplifier, MI-26157-A.. Camden, NJ: Radio Corporation of America (RCA)., undated.
