
Filters: Keyword is bibliographic  [Clear All Filters]
Wooster, Ann-Sargent. "Some People Just Don't Get It: Music Video - The Industry and the Fringes." Afterimage 15, no. 3 (1987).
Sony Corporation of America. Sony. Service Manual: Color Video Projector, VPH-1040Q, US and Canadian Model (Chassis No. SCC-A76A-A). Super Bright.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America., 1987.
Miller, Branda. Surveillance. Los Angeles: (LACE), 1987.. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1987.
Lacan, Jacques. "Television." October 10 (1987).
Hoptman, Laura. "The Center Will Not Hold: The Other New York - Regional Reflections." Afterimage 15, no. 3 (1987).
Brand, Stewart. The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT. NY: Viking, 1987.
Hall, Doug. The Spectacle of Image. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1987.
Hoy, Anne. The Thinking Eye: Juan Downey. NY, NY: International Center for Photography, 1987.
Thomson, Patricia. "Under Fire on the Home Front: An Interview With Jon Alpert." Afterimage 14, no. 19 (1987).
"various." Film History: An International Journal. 1, no. 1 (1987).
Rankin, Scott. Video and Language: Video as Language. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, 1987.
Video as Art. Cortland, NY: Cortland Arts Council Gallery, 1987.
DeWitt, Tom. "Visual Music: Searching for an Aesthetic." Leonardo: Visual Art, Sound, Music and Technology 20, no. 2 (1987).
Tamblyn, Christine. "Whose Life Is it, Anyway?" Afterimage 15, no. 1 (1987).
1986 National Video Festival. The American Film Institute, 1986.
Muntadas, Antonio. "60's Spirit, 80's Tech: Nam June Paik Home TV." The Australian Video Fertival (1986).
Dowling, Susan. "Ars Electronica - History of the WGBH New Television Workshop." Ars Electronica 1986 Festival f?r Kunst, Technologie und Gesellschaft Catalog (1986).
Daedalus. "Art and Science." Daedalus Summer (1986).
Warshawski, Morrie. "Artists and Facilities Form a Symbiotic Relationship." Videography 11, no. 2 (1986).
Mellencamp, Patricia. "Avant-Garde TV: Simulation and Surveillance." Video (1986).
Kolpan, Steven. "Bateson Through the Looking Glass." Video and the Arts 11 (1986).
Duguet, Anne-Marie. Be a Musician, You'll Understand Video. Catalogue of the National Video Festival.. Los Angeles: American Film Institute, 1986.
Mignot, Dorine. "Bill Viola's Room for St. John of the Cross: A Video Installarion Viewed within the Tradition of Visual Art." Video (1986).
Weibel, Peter. "Das orbitale Zeitalter." Noema 3, no. 40732 (1986).
Boyle, Deirdre. Documentary Video: Decades of Change. Long Beach Museum of Art, 1986.
Stewart, Tom, and Peter Farleigh. Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument General Interface Card Manual for the General Interface (MIDI/SMPTE) Card and Support Unit Revision 1.5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1986.
Williams, Reese. Fire Over Water, Edited by Reese Williams. NY, NY: Tanam Press, 1986.
Varela, Willie, and James Irwin. Foreign Correspondence: The International Super 8 Phenomenon., Edited by Elyse Topalian. Somerville, MA: The International Center for 8mm Film and Video, Inc., 1986.
Global Village 12th Annual Documentary Festival. New York, NY: Global Village, 1986.
MacCabe, Colin. High Theory/Low Culture: Analyzing Popular Television and Film, Edited by Colin MacCabe. NY: St. Martins Press, 1986.
