The Performer Synthesizer Newspaper Reprints from various sources. Morristown, NJ: Ionic Industries, Inc., 1970.
The Performer Synthesizer: A Non-Technical Approach to Electronic Music Synthesis.. Morristown, NJ: Ionic Industries, Inc., 1972.
Electronic Music for the Seventies by the Boys from Putney Operator Manual for VCS3a Putney Synthesizer. Morristown, NJ: Ionic Industries, Inc., undated.
Critical Issues Facing the Arts in California: A Working Paper from The James Irvine Foundation. CA: Irvine Foundation and AEA Consulting, 2006.
Z-80 Instruction Manual; 2708/2716 EROM Board Instruction Manual. Ithaca, NY: Ithaca Audio, 1977.
IVC Owner's Reference Manual for IVC-800 Color Video Recorder.. Mountain View, CA: International Video Corporation, 1969.
IVC Service Manual for IVC-800 Color Video Recorder. Mountain View, CA: International Video Corporation, 1968.
IVC "Straight Talk About Selecting A VTR Format" Sales Literature. Mountain View, CA: International Video Corporation, 1971.
IVC Service Manual for IVC-90 Series Color Television Camera.. Mountain View, CA: International Video Corporation, 1974.
IVC-90 Series Color Television Camera Service Manual. Sunnyvale, CA: IVC (International Video Corporation), 1970.
Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structure for U.S. Artists. Urban Institute, 2003.
Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculpture, Edited by Mary Jane Jacob. New York, NY: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1991.
The Emergence of Film Art. New York, NY: Hopkinson and Blake, 1969.
Soundtack of "Blonde Cobra"." Kinemathek. 70, no. 22 (1986).
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Independent Television Makers and Public Communications Policy: A Seminar-Conference to Promote Telecommunications for Diversity in the 1980's. The Television Establishment, The Independent Producer, and the Search for Diversity.. New York, New York: Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program, 1979.
The Extraordinary Javelin Master X-400 Video Tape Recorder ; Model SC 950 Camera; CC 700 Camera; CC 500 Camera; Video Monitors Sales Literature. Los Angeles, CA: Javelin Electronics Co., 1970.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 1439, Folder 1. JCPenny Models 4911C (855-2002), 4912C (855-2044) 4917B (855-2093), 4918B, 4924A (855-2309).. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1974.
A Case Against 'Structural Film." Journal of the University Film Association 33, no. 2 (undated).
"In the Spirit of Fluxus. Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 1993.
Hollis Frampton: Recollections Recreations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984.
New Media Arts / New Funding Models. Creativity & Culture The Rockefeller Foundation, 2000.
Video Services Profile. NY: Center for the Arts Information, 1983.
Magnetic Media Preservation Sourcebook, Edited by Mona JimenezMona. NY: Media Alliance, 1998.
Fluke Model 8300A Digital Voltmeter Instruction Manual. Seattle, WA: John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc., 1970.
Interface Culture How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. Basic Books, 1999.
The Subject of Feminist Film Theory/Practice." Screen 21, no. 2 (1980).
"Various CAT-100 software drivers. ETC, undated.
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