
Filters: First Letter Of Title is I  [Clear All Filters]
Thomson, Patricia. "Independents on Television." Afterimage 11, no. 40545 (1983).
Image/Process II. NY, NY: The Kitchen, 1983.
ID/entity: Portraits in the 21st Century. New York, NY: The Kitchen, 2002.
Image/Process I. NY, NY: The Kitchen, 1982.
Tennant, Carolyn. Interview with Ralph Hocking., 2006.
Tennant, Carolyn. Interview with David Jones., 2005.
Installation Operation Maintenance Manual. Audiocom. Telex Communications, Inc. Models: RM-10, RM-11, RM-12, RM-13, HE-15, ME-50, etc.. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Telex Communications, Inc., 1988.
Instruction Manual for Type 526 Vectorscope, Edited by Tektronix. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix, 1960.
Tcherepnin, Serge. Instructional Essays: Electronic Music Theory, and Learning Patch Number Two.., undated.
Tamblyn, Christine. "Image Processing in Chicago Video Art, 1970-1980." Leonardo 24, no. 3 (1991): 303-310.
Tambellini, Aldo. Interview by Aldo Tambellini In Boston Now - Institute of Contemporary Art. Boston, Massachusetts: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1983.
