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"Nonfiction Powwow in Poughkeepsie: The Flaherty Seminar at Fifty." Film Comment (2004).
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"New Artists Video: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Gregory Battcock. New York: EP Dutton, 1978.
"Not-a-Superhero, I presume. Temporanea, 1997.
Nathan Lyons on the Snapshot. Buffalo, NY: CEPA (Center for Exploratory and Perceptual Art), 1993.
NYMDI Videotape Restoration Program. Buffalo, NY: New York Media Decentralization Institute, 1987.
Notes on the CP/M Hardware Interface- diskette information. CP/M, undated.
Notes on Videotape and TV., 1972.
Nam June Paik." Canal, no. 49 (1982).
"New Artists, New Tapes, and Special Series. New York, NY: Electronic Arts Intermix, undated.
New York State Council on the Arts Proposal: Further Development of the Paik/Abe Video Synthesizer., 1975.
New York State Council on the Arts: Proposal for Development of Systems by David Jones. 1976., 1976.
New York State Council on the Arts Proposal: Don McArthur - Systems Approach to Video Art. 1975.., 1975.
New York State Council on the Arts Proposal for 1975-76. Binghamton, New York, 1975.
New York State Council on the Arts: Walter Wright - SYnthesizer Workshop and Performance Series., 1974.