
Filters: First Letter Of Title is S  [Clear All Filters]
Shine, Chris. SVID Use of Sandin IP., undated.
Shintron Company Inc., Keyer Model 351.. Shintron Company Inc., 1971.
Siggraph '82 Conference Proceedings Vol 16 no.3. NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 1982.
Siggraph '83 Film and Video Shows., 1983.
Siggraph '82 Art Show. Siggraph, 1982.
Siggraph '83 Exhibition of Computer Art., 1983.
Siggraph '83 Exhibition of Computer Art., 1983.
"Siggraph '82 Conference Proceedings,." Computer Graphics: A Quarterly Report of Siggraph-ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). 16, no. 3 (1982).
Silverfine, Debbie, and Linda Earle. Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents: Introduction to Set in Motion., 1994.
Simpson.. Simpson Electronic Company. Simpson: Instruments that Stay Accurate. 260 Add-A-Tester Adapter Operator's Manual. Transistor Tester Model 650.. Chicago, IL: Simpson Electronic Company., 1966.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Simulation Products. Operation/Maintenance: T-1 Silicon Vidicon Television Camera.. USA: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1972.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Education & Training Products. GPL Division (Part No. G5486-001). Operating and Service Instruction Manual: Precision 990 Television Camera.. Pleasantville, NY: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1968.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Link Division. Service Manual: Singer Video Camera Model UC-2Z.. USA: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1972.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Simulation Products. Precision 1000-B High Resolution Television Camera with Precision 1000-C Addendum: Operation and Service Instruction Manual.. USA: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1972.
Singer. UC-1 Schematic Diagram.. Singer., undated.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Singer Link Division. Operation/Maintenance: Video Printer model 1983.. Pleasantville, NY: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1971.
Singer-General Precision, Inc. Link Division. Singer Service Instruction Manual: Video Printer Model 1983, GPL Part Numbers G5481-001-01, -02, -03. Handbook Part No. G5146-280, Issue: 2.. Pleasantville, NY: Singer-General Precision, Inc., 1968.
Singer Network G2 Camera., 1972.
Sjolander, Ture. Selected Articles Concerning the Works of Ture Sjolander., 2000.
SLTTI. Sri Lanka Television Training Institute: Training Schedule.. Colombo, Sri Lanka: SLTTI. Sri Lanka Television Training Institute, 1988.
Soar Corporation. Instruction Manual: Digital Multimeter D2M2 series Model 4040.. Japan: Soar Corporation., 1986.
Society for Photographic Education National Conference: Photography Within the New Technology/Defining a New Philosophy of Education.. NY: Society for Photographic Education, 1983.
Sonsbeek 71 Introduction and Statements by Artists. Vol. June 19 - August 15., 1971.
Sony Corporation of America. Sony. Videocassette Recorder, Beta, SLO-5000: Operating Guide.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America., 1981.
Sony Corporation of America. Sony SLO-320 Betamax Videocassette Recorder.. New York, NY: Sony Corporation of America., 1977.
Sony Superscope Audio Recorders Models and Prices., undated.
Sony Videocorder EV-310 One Inch Color Recorder; EVR-310 Remote Control Unit; CLP-1B Video Color Pack., 1970.
Sony Corporation of America. Sony Trinitron Color TV, KV-1203/1214, Chassis Nos. SCC-17C-D and SCC-17D-D.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America, 1974.
Sony EV-320F One Inch Color Videocorder Editing Unit with Rotary Erase Head. (3 copies)., undated.
Sony Corporation of America. U-Matic Color Videocassette Player, Model VP-1200.. New York, NY: Sony Corporation of America., 1975.
