
Filters: First Letter Of Title is W  [Clear All Filters]
Wright, Walter. Wright Computer System: Software for a Computer Based Video Synthesizer by Walter Wright. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1977.
World Wide Video Festival Catalogue. The Haag, Holland: Kijkhuis, undated.
World Wide Video Festival. Den Haag, Netherlands: Kijkhuis, 1983.
Wooster, Ann-Sargent. Why Don't They Tell Stories Like They Used To? In Art Journal. Vol. 45., 1985.
Wooster, Ann-Sargent. "Why Don't They Tell Stories Like They Used To?" Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation. Black and White TV Monitors Service Manual and Parts Catalog. Models V1001- Chassis only, 19V1001 - 19" CRT, 19V1003 - 19" CRT, 22V1001 - 23" CRT, 22V1003 - 23" CRT.. Chicago, IL: Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation, 1980.
Wegman's World. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center., 1982.
Warehouse Sound Co. Professional Products Group. San Luis Obispo, CA: Warehouse Sound Co., 1974.
Ward Electronic Industries. Riker-Maxon. Product Catalog.. Clark, New Jersey: Ward Electronic Industries. Riker-Maxon., undated.
Tulbert, David. "White Ox Films: Funding the Future." The Independent Gazette: Journal of Independent FIlm and Video Artists 1, no. 1 (1976): 21.
Tamblyn, Christine. "Whose Life Is it, Anyway?" Afterimage 15, no. 1 (1987).
Sweeney, Skip. Woody Vasulka Interviews Skip Sweeney., 1978.
Sturken, Marita. "What is Grace in All This Madness: The Videotapes of Dan Reeves." Afterimage 13, no. 1 and 2 (1985).
Sheridan, Lee. "Wellman Hall to Host Multi-Media Exhibition." Springfield Daily News (1972).
Shattuck, Roger. "Words and Images: Thinking and Translation." Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ヨ The Moving Image 114, no. 4 (1985): 201-214.
Schjeldahl, Peter. "Well, It?s a Heck of a Long Way from Marcus Welby." The New York Times (1971).
Sandin, Dan. Woody Vasulka Interviews Dan Sandin., 1978.
Miller, Nancy. Wildernrss: A Video Installation by Mary Lucier. Cambridge: New England Foundation for the Arts, 1986.
Milano, Susan. Women's Video Festival - Introduction., 1976.
McLuhan, Marshall, and Quentin Fiore. War and Peace in the Global Village. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1968.
Malloy, Judy. Women, Art, and Technology, Edited by Judy Malloy. Cambridge , MA: MIT Press (Leonardo Series), 2003.
Malloy, Judy. Women in New Media: Sources in Art and Technology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
Lyons, Lisa, and Kim Levin. Wegman's World. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center,, 1982.
