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Danto, Arthur. After the End of Art. Princeton, 1997.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Bologna: LINK Project, 1997.
University, Yale. Animating the Static - Experiments in Video 1965-1980. Yale University, 1997.
Kanter, Beth. Building Arts Audiences and Communities on the Web: A Guide for Arts Organizations. NY, NY: New York CFoundation for the Arts, 1997.
Demes, Samuel, and Jennie Brogdon. "Determining Copyright Status for Preservation and Access: Defining Reasonable Effort." Library Resources and Technical Services 41, no. 4 (1997).
Chadabe, Joel. Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music. Prentice Hall, 1997.
Electronic Arts Intermix Presents: New Tapes 1997. New York, NY: Electronic Arts Intermix, 1997.
Schlanger, Matthew. ETC Memories. NY, NY: Art in General, NY and Mobius, Boston, 1997.
From to , Takahiko Iimura. Rome, Italy: The Japan Foundation, 1997.
Reeves, Daniel. I am not so sure I know what I am doing anymore with this work...., 1997.
Erickson, Leann. "Independent film and video in Boston." Afterimage (1997).
Licata, Elizabeth, and John Knecht. John Knecht: Animating Destiny. Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University, 1997.
Barlow, Melinda. "Mapping Space, Sculpting Time: Mary Lucier and the Double Landscape." Afterimage 25, no. 2 (1997): 6-10.
Messier, Paul. Media Alliance Preservation Survey. Boston: Boston Art Con, 1997.
Messier, Paul. Media Alliance Preservation Survey. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1997.
Wooster, Ann-Sargent. Memories - 25 Years of the Experimental Television Center. NY, NY: Art in General, NY and Mobius, Boston, 1997.
Buvoli, Luca. Not-a-Superhero, I presume. Temporanea, 1997.
Dasgupta, Gautam, and Christopher Ho. Performing Arts Journal 56: Artaud at 100, Fassbinder Play, La MaMa in Vietnam, Janie Geiser Storyboard, New Video., Edited by Bonnie Marranca, Gautam Dasgupta and Daryl Chin. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
