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Independent Television Makers and Public Communications Policy: A Seminar-Conference to Promote Telecommunications for Diversity in the 1980's. A Public Trust: A Summary and Overview of the Findings and Recommendations of the Carnegie Commission on the Fu. New York, New York: Rockefeller Foundation Arts Program, 1979.
Caranicas, Peter. "Video Hardware Gets Smart: Bill Etra." Videography (1976).
Caplan, Elliot. "Producing Videodance." Videography 10, no. 9 (1985).
Canon Roll Duplicator 460, Kaljet Printer 200, Kalkard Mounter 350, Documat Microfilmer 230, Processor Camera 161G, Microfiche Reader 150, Universal Reader 302/303, 301/301A, 300, 180/180Y, Microfiche Reader 200, Universla Printer 330F, Roll Duplicator 80. Tokyo, Japan: Canon, 1972.
Canepa, Anna. "Video Issue." Art Rite, no. 4 (1974).
Canemaker, John. "Animation Today: The Fabulous Invalid" Is On the Move Again."." Millimeter (1977): 50-55.
Canadian Centre of Photography and Film. Image Nation 26: New Canadian Photography, La Nouvelle Photographie Canadienne., Edited by David Hlynsky and Jayce Salloum. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Centre of Photography and Film, 1982.
Camras, Marvin. Magnetic Recording Handbook. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1988.
Cameron, Eric. "Dan Graham: Appearing in Public." Artforum 15, no. 3 (1976).
Cameron, Eric. "On Painting and Video." Pararcute 11 (1978).
Cameron, Eric. "The Grammar of the Video Image." Arts Magazine 49, no. 4 (1974).
"Special series Video Art Exploration Dominique Belloir." Cahiers du Cinema (1981).
Cage, John. Towards (a definition of) Experimental Music.., undated.
C. Itoh Digital Products User Manual Dot Mastrix Printer Models Prowriter, Prowriter II. Torrance, CA: Leading Edge Products, Inc., 1982.
Buvoli, Luca. Not-a-Superhero, I presume. Temporanea, 1997.
Butler, Michael L. V.. "Dear Thespians: -." (1974).
Burris, Jon. The Power of the Purse: Public Funding and the Aesthetics of Video. In At Arm's Length: (Taking a Good Hard Look at) Artists' Video. (Osborn) which see.. NY, NY, 1990.
Burnham, Jack. "Problems of Criticism: Art and Technology." Artforum 9 (1971).
Burnham, Jack. The Structure of Art. NY: Braziller, 1970.
Burnham, Jack. Beyond Modern Sculpture.: The Effects of Science and Technology on the Sculpture of This Century. NY: Praeger, 1972.
Burnham, Jack. "Systems Aesthetics." Artforum 7, no. 1 (1968).
Burgin, Victor. Thinking Photography, Edited by Victor Burgin. London: Macmillan, 1982.
Burger, Peter. Theory of the Avant-Garde. Translated by Michael Shaw. Theory and History of Literature, vol. 4.. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,, 1984.
Burger, Peter. Theory of the Avant/Garde. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
The Filmic Art of Paul Sharits. Buffalo, New York: Buffalo State College, 2000.
Burch, Noel. Theory of Film Practice. Translated by Helen R. Lane. NY: Praeger, 1973.
Buckner, Barbara. The Electronic Gallery. Binghamton , NY: University Art Gallery, Binghamton University, 1983.
Buckminster Fuller, R., Jerome Agel, and Quentin Fiore. Environment and man's future- by the visionary genius of our time: I Seem To Be a Verb. "The most important fact about Spaceship Earth: An instruction book didn't come with it.". New York, NY: Bantam Books, Inc., 1970.
Buckley, Tom. "Electrified Spaghetti on Avant Garde Fete Menu." New York TImes (1972).
Buck-Morse, Susan. The Origin of Negative Dialectics: Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and The Frankfurt Institute.. NY: Free Press, 1979.
