"Special Issue on Video." Kunstforum (1985).
Shigeko Kubota: Video Scuptures. Germany, undated.
Shigeko Kubota: A Portfolio." Video 80 4 (1982).
"Sync Generator, Black & White (Green). Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, undated.
Soundtack of "Blonde Cobra"." Kinemathek. 70, no. 22 (1986).
"Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculpture, Edited by Mary Jane Jacob. New York, NY: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1991.
School of Art and Design, NYSCC at Alfred University. Alfred, NY: IEA (Institute for Electronic Arts), undated.
Skip Blumberg's Great Performances." American Film (1983).
"Sponsors Sell Networks Develop., 1972.
Saving the Images: A Report from the Looking Back/Looking Forward Symposium." The Squealer 13, no. 2 (2002).
"Squeaky Wheel at 20." The Squealer (2006).
"System Revision 1984. Owego, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1984.
Special Effects Generator - excerpt from the Experimental Television Center Studio System Manual., 1980.
Saving the Images: A Report from the Looking Back/Looking Forward Symposium." The Squealer 13, no. Fall/Winter 2002 (2002).
"Scan Processors. unpublished manuscript, 1978.
Shot/Reverse Shot: A Cross-Circuit Videologue." Felix: A Journal of Media Arts and Communication 1, no. 2 (1992).
" Special Issue on Video." Print (1972).
" Selected Works, 1965-72. Cologne, New York, and London: Koenig Brothers and Lisson Publications, 1972.
Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents - Film and Video Works Funded, Edited by Lucinda Furlong. New York, NY: The New York State Council on the Arts, 1994.
Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents, Edited by Lucinda Furlong. New York, NY: The New York State Council on the Arts, 1994.
Some Video Sculptures." San Francisco Chronicle (1973).
"Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculpture, Edited by Zdenek Felix. Berlin: Museum Folkwang Essen, 1981.
Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculptures. In German and English., Edited by Jean Paul Fargier. Essen: Museum Folkwang Essen/DAAD/Kunsthaus Zurich, 1981.