
Filters: First Letter Of Title is V  [Clear All Filters]
Videola - A Video Sculpture by Don Hallock., undated.
Schlanger, Matthew. Video Hardware Development for Experimental Television Center., 1997.
Schneider, Ira, and Mary Lucier Beryl Korot. Video Art: An Anthology, Edited by Ira Schneider. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.
Seid, Steve, and Maria Troy. Videospace: The National Center for Experiments in Television, 1967-1975. California: University of California Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, 2000.
Shine, Chris. Video History - Subterranean Video., undated.
Sitney, Adams P.. Visionary Film. NY: Oxford University Press, 1974.
Sondheim, Alan. "Video." Perforations 2 (1991).
Videotape Splicing Kit VSK-1 Instructions. Long Island City, NY: SONY Corporation, undated.
Spielmann, Yvvonne. Video: Das reflexive Medium. Franfurt, Germany: Suhrkamp Press, 2005.
Strick, Jeremy, and et al. Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900. Smithsonian Institution and Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles)., 2005.
"Video Art Issue." Studio International, no. 191 (1976).
Sturken, Marita. "Video as a Performance Medium." Sightlines 16, no. 3 (1983).
VDS160 User's Manual. Valley Data Sciences.. Mountain View, CA: Valley Data Sciences, 1986.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. Product Catalog. Models 100, 5000, CPG-1, A-1, A-1A, etc.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, 1975.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. VACC Model A-1, Optical Isolator Kit Installation Manual.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, undated.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. Model 5000 NTSC Color Genlock Sync Generator and Model 5000 Option 01 Helical Genlock Instruction Manual.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, undated.
Video Art Review: Tugs and Pulls, and Struggles, January 1981.. New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives and Electronic Arts Intermix, 1981.
Video Art Review: Tapes from the National Center for Experimental Television (NCET), San Francisco, December 1980.. New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives and Electronic Arts Intermix, 1980.
