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Houston Instrument Series 2000 and 3000 Recorders. Austin, TX: Houston Instrument (a division of Bausch and Lomb), undated.
Horsfield, Kate. Feedback: The Video Data Bank Catalog of Video Art and Artist Interviews, Edited by Kate Horsfield and Lucas Hilderbrand. PA: Temple University Press, 2006.
Horrigan, Bill. The Media Arts In Transition, Edited by Bill Horrigan. Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 1983.
Horrigan, Bill. The Media Arts in Transition, Edited by Bill Horrigan. Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 1983.
Hornbacher, Sara. American Community Video : Video in the Boroughs. NY: Locus Communications and BACA, 1983.
Hornbacher, Sara. Artist's Video II: Video in the Boroughs. NY: Locus Communications, 1983.
Hornbacher, Sara. Path of Dreams: Video in the Boroughs. Locus Communications and the Newhouse Gallery, 1983.
Hornbacher, Sara. Artist's Video I: Video in the Boroughs. NY: Locus Communications and BACA, 1983.
Hornbacher, Sara. "Editor's Statement." Video: The Reflexive Medium Issue Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
Hornbacher, Sara. A Thousand Plateaus, Edited by Barbara Schreiber. Atlanta, GA, 2001.
Hornbacher, Sara. Video: The Reflexive Medium - Editor's Statement, Edited by Sara Hornbacher. NY, NY: College Art Association, 1985.
Horkheimer, Max, and Theodor W. Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by John Cumming. NY: Seabury Press, 1977.
Horitz, Robert. "Chris Burden." Artforum (1976).
Hoptman, Laura. "The Center Will Not Hold: The Other New York - Regional Reflections." Afterimage 15, no. 3 (1987).
Hoone, Jeffrey. "Many Hands: Light Work's First 25 Years Jeffrey Hoone (1998)." Contact Sheet 97: 25th Anniversary Edition, no. 1998 (1998).
Hones, Luke. Reel to Real: A Case Study of BAVC's Remastering Model., 2002.
Holzmann, Gerard J.. Beyond Photography: The Digital Darkroom. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.
Holman, David, and Bruce L. Holman. A Better Mousetrap: The CAESAR. Filmmakers Newsletter, 1975.
Hollie, Paul. "Hocking is "Champion of the Arts"." unknown (1989).
Hohendahl, Peter. The Institution of Criticism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982.
Hocking, Sherry Miller. "Saving the Images: A Report from the Looking Back/Looking Forward Symposium." The Squealer 13, no. Fall/Winter 2002 (2002).
Hocking, Sherry Miller. Want Ads., 1972.
Hocking, Sherry Miller. Two Texts Concerning Portable Video., 1992.
Hocking, Sherry Miller, Richard Brewster, and Walter Wright. Raster Manipulation Unit: Operation and Construction. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1980.
Hocking, Sherry Miller, and Richard Brewster. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Image Processing by Sherry Miller Hocking & Richard Brewster at the Experimental Television Center, 1986., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Hocking, Sherry, Richard Brewster, David Jones, Richard Brewster, Hank Rudolph, and Matthew Schlanger. Image Processing Manual: Studio Manual for the Experimental Television Center. Owego, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Hocking, Sherry Miller. Principles of Electronic Image Processing - Image Processing Systems., 1978.
Hocking, Ralph. A Proposal for Low Cost Retrieval of Early Videotapes Produced on Obsolete Equipment and/or Videotape that Will Not Play Back. Or The Resurrection Bus. Owego, NY: Experimental TV Center, 1990.
Hocking, Ralph. Sponsors Sell Networks Develop., 1972.
Hocking, Sherry Miller. Principles of Electronic Image Processing - Sync., 1978.
