
Media Study/Buffalo
1972 - 1985
Buffalo, New York
Museum of Modern Art Video and Film Program
- present
New York City, New York
National Association of Media Arts Centers
1980 - present
Boulder, Colorado and other U.S. locations
National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED-TV
1967 - 1975
San Francisco, CA
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
New York State Council on the Arts
1960 -
New York City
Off Line
1990 - 2003
Ithaca, NY
Port Washington Public Library Media Programs
1972 - present
Port Washington, New York
Portable Channel
1972 - 1987
Rochester, New York
Portable Channel
1972 - 1987
Rochester, New York
Rosebud Cafe
c1973 -
Delhi, New York
Squeaky Wheel
1986 - present
Buffalo, New York
Squeaky Wheel
1986 - present
Buffalo, New York
State University of New York and the University-wide Committee on the Arts
New York State
Subterranean Video
1983 - 1989
Survival Arts Media
Jamestown, New York
1970 - 1981
Syracuse, New York
1970 - 1981
Syracuse, New York
Syracuse Alternative Media Network
1983 -
Syracuse, New York
The International Agency for Minority Artist Affairs
1978 - present
New York City
The Kitchen
1971 - present
New York City
The Television Laboratory at WNET/13
1972 -
New York City
Third World Newsreel
1967 - present
New York City
TV Dinner
1987 -
Rochester, New York
Video Freex
1969 -
New York City, New York
Visual Studies Workshop - Media Center
1973 - present
Rochester, New York
Visual Studies Workshop - Media Center
1973 - present
Rochester, New York
WGBH New Television Workshop
1968 - 1993
Boston, MA
