Texts by Author

Fessler, F. (1973).  Has TV Finally Become An Art?. California Living.
Frank, P. (1974).  The Avant Garde Festival: And Now, Shea Stadium. Art in America. 62(Six), 
Gever, M. (1985).  Pressure Points: Video in the Public Sphere in Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium. Pressure Points: Video in the Public Sphere in Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium. Fall(1985), 
Gips, T. (1990).  Computers and Art: Issues of Content. Art Journal. 49(3), 
Gwin, B. (undated).  Video Feedback: How to Make it; An Artist's Comments on its Use; A Systems Approach. National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 3.
Hagen, C., & Kite L. (1975).  Walter Wright and his Amazing Video Machine. Afterimage. 2(10), 
Hill, C. (2003).  (Re)performing the Archive: Barbara Lattanzi and Hollis Frampton in Dialog. Millennium Film Journal. No. 39/40(No. 39 / 40), 
Hocking, S M. (2004).  The Evolution of Thinking Machines. The Squealer. 15(1), 
Hocking, S M. (1990).  Reflections from Owego. The Squealer.
Hornbacher, S. (1985).  Editor's Statement. Video: The Reflexive Medium Issue. Fall(1985), 
Iimura, T. (1990).  Talking to Myself: Phenomenological Operation. Anthology Film Archives Notes.
Jacobs, K. (1982).  Ralph Poem.
Kiger, B. (1972).  Videography What Does It All Mean?. American Cinematographer.
Kite, L. (1974).  Video Conference Held at Albany. Afterimage.
Kurtz, B. (1973).  Video is Being Invented. arts magazine. 47(3), 
Landnzan, K. (1977).  The Kitchen. Videoscope. 1(2), 
Leogrande, E. (1973).  The Video Stretch. Daily News.
London, B. (1985).  Video: A Selected Chronology, 1963-1983. Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium. Fall(1985), 
Lucas, K. (1999).  Why do I keep repeating myself?. Felix Voyerism. 2(2), 
Marsh, K. (1977).  Community Video: An Inner Look. Videoscope. 1(2), 
Meredith, S. (2005).  Hidden Treasure - 3 Flights Up. Press & Sun Belletin.
Meredith, S. (1989).  Owego TV Pioneer Getting Arts Award. Press & Sun Bulletin.
