Texts by Author

Schlanger, M. (undated).  Art Statement.
Sherman, T. (1996).  Memory and Hope (1996-2006). The Squealer. 11(2), 
Sondheim, A. (1994).  Throat. Art Papers.
Sondheim, A. (1991).  Video. Perforations 2.
Sondheim, A. (1988).  I Model; You Take My Picture. CEPA Journal.
Sondheim, A. (1983).  Theses on the Inversion of the Cinema. Millennium Film Journal.
Stephens, R., & Hallock D. (undated).  Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility. National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2.
Stern, G. (1974).  Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974 - Media, Information and Then?. Educational Communications Centers and the Television Arts Conference: November 22, 1974. November,
Sturken, M. (1985).  Feminist Video: Reiterating the Difference. Afterimage. 12(9), 
Sturken, M. (1982).  Denman's Col (Geometry): Mary Lucier. Afterimage. 9(7), 
Tajchman, E. J. (1977).  The Incredible Animation Machine. Videography. 2(11), 
Tambellini, E. (1967).  The Gate Theater. Artscanada.
Wooster, A-S. (1985).  Why Don't They Tell Stories Like They Used To?. Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium. Fall(1985), 
Youngblood, G. (1983).  The New Renaissance: The Computer Revolution and the Arts. exposure: New Technology. 21(1), 
